Sunday, April 20, 2008

Forbidden Gardens

I had never been to Forbidden Gardens before.

But this Friday, I was able to go.

I have known about this site for several years, but have never been able to visit before today. Forbidden Gardens is the site of a replica terra cotta army, a replica Forbidden City and other interesting artifacts of ancient Chinese history. In order to view the clay army, which is about 1/3 scale in size, you must go with a tour guide. The tour feels a bit rushed, but you can go on a following tour if you desire to get more photos. You will also see Chinese weaponry, architecture and the 1/20 scale model of the Forbidden City.

The terra cotta soldiers are reproduced in formation in front of a hill representing Emperor Qin's burial site. The infantry soldiers are lined up in a shallow pit, with the outer line facing the outside of the configuration. It is amazing to think about the original 6,000 clay soldiers, each with individual features and clothing, covering close to three football fields!

That I'd like to see.

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