Many entrepreneurs and business owners must go through this. Getting funding for your business can sometimes be tough to do. Finding investors is never easy. But now you can post your needs online. Then, angel investors and venture capitalists can browse through the profiles to see just which business they would like to support. This approach will make it easier for business owners and investors to get together.
That I'd like to see.
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1 comment:
@Angela - I can tell you this now... Running a business will be tough. I'm sure there will be days you'll want to give up, but if you stick through it and persevere, becoming an entrepreneur will be worth it. That being said, there are a lot of resources on-line if you're looking to buy a business instead of starting one from scratch. I know there's this site called, and it's like this on-line global marketplace where you can buy or sell a business. You can also use it to find a lender, broker, etc.
I also highly suggest checking out books and magazines, since they're generally up-to date with information. Local small business groups are also good because you can network, and they can update you on the area you plan on doing business.
Good luck!
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