Monday, November 24, 2008

half marathon

I've never been to a half marathon before.

Neither have I participated in one. But I just signed myself up for one on New Year's Day! Yes, in just six weeks I will be running (jogging)/ walking 13.1 miles. This is only after one "trial" run of just over six miles. That is the most I've ever run before. But with the run(jog)/walk method I think I will be able to finish this New Year's Half Marathon!

That I'd like to see.


S-V-H said...

I did some half marathons back in the time when I was more fit than today I am...LOL...I loved to run and sometimes I think, I should start over again - but hubby is a "lazy" guy...and by myself isn't that fun.

Congratulations to your start!! Let us know the results and your experiences you had while your first run! :)

silken said...

thanks Susanne, I appreciate the encouragement! this will be a run/walk for me as I only have a few weeks to get ready! I have done two 6 mile run/walks this week. I sure hope my knees can take all this!