At least not in real life. I have visited his website numerous times. He has a really nice set up too. His layout is very eye catching-love the colors. But mostly, he has got some great ideas for boosting your blog. He often shares what he has learned about making money with his blog. He seems to be doing pretty well, so I try to take advice from him in this area. What I really appreciate is how he not only is boosting his blog, but he is out helping others to boost theirs as well. One of the best ways of doing this is to exchange links. So I am hoping to learn from him, making my blog a better place.
That I'd like to see.
Thanks for the great link and for stopping by my blog!
Keywoman has started a writing group on -- the initial members are all from WU, so she has named it, appropriately enough, WritingDown. :O)
You are welcome to join us. Hopefully, it will grow into a nice little community of not only familiar faces, but newcomers, too. Here's a link to the group's page: WritingDown
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